New Mexico Tech Interferometer Data
Acquisition History for July, 2000

Universal Date/Time
log RF
Fast Antenna
JDay Date Time Start/Stop Gain threshold count outputt thr. Comments
185 03-Jul 23:24:31 Start 7 40 1 x10 100 N/A Infrequent lightning.
23:31:52? "Stop" DSPs crashed
23:51:01 Start 7 40 1 x10 100 N/A
23:54:00 "Stop" DSPs crashed
23:59:20 Start 7 40 1 x10 100 N/A
186 04-Jul 0:01:07 "Stop" DSPs crashed
0:36:40 Start 4 37 1 x10 100 N/A
0:37:26-28 x100
0:57:40 Stop No more thunder heard after 0:36 UT
191 09-Jul 22:41:38 Start 7 38 1 x10 100 N/A
22:42:08 "Stop" DSPs crashed
22:44:30 Start 7 38 1 x10 100 N/A
192 10-Jul 2:18 Stop No more lightning within range of interferometer
7:34:30 Start 6 40 1 x10 100 N/A
7:48:02 "Stop" DSPs crashed
7:50:40 Start 6 40 1 x10 100 N/A
8:10:24 "Stop" DSPs crashed
8:16:12 Start 5 40 1 x100 100 N/A
9:04:00 4
9:32:59 "Stop" DSPs crashed
9:38:55 Start 4 40 1 x100 100 N/A
9:40:25 3
9:45:50 2
10:07:22 3
10:25:25 4
10:34:00 5
10:43:00 6
10:43:05 x10
10:45:45 "Stop" DSPs crashed
10:57:18 Start 6 35 1 x10 100 N/A
11:10:00 Stop No more lightning
194 12-Jul 4:07:50 Start 6 38 1 x10 100 N/A
4:44:39 "Stop" DSPs crashed
4:52:15 Start 6 70 1 x10 100 N/A High trigger rate (almost steady, but off of impulses, not ITFR)
4:55:20 Stop/Start 60
5:03:45 Stop/Start 50
5:06:40 Stop/Start 40
5:31:20 Stop
5:31:27 Start 7
5:34:57 "Stop" DSPs crashed?
198 16-Jul 10:43:50 Start 4 36 1 x10 100 N/A
10:45:40-48 3 x100
12:03:12 4
13:13:00 Stop Switching to sferics...
199 17-Jul 12:40:40 Start 3 32 1 x100 100 N/A Storms are 30-40 km S. of CHILL (see notes).
13:07:55 Stop
13:08:01 Start 4
14:09:53 Stop
14:10:00 Start 5
15:04:00 Stop No more CGs indicated by NLDN in past ~10 mins
201 19-Jul 0:09:13 Start 5 35 1 x100 100 N/A
0:19:15 4
0:23:30 Stop/Start Oops, FA threshold adjusted (raised)
0:28:15 3
0:40:59 2
0:43:30 Stop/Start 36
0:58:45 38
1:18:05 Stop/Start 40
1:20:00 3
1:22:30 2
1:26:50 Stop/Start 60 Disk space getting low & buffer filling on spider lightning (infrequent)
1:42:20 3
1:55:00 4
2:17:01 5
4:25:20 Stop/Start 55
5:15:07 4
5:20:42 3
5:30:30 2
6:06:02 3
6:23:40 5
6:38:21 Stop/Start 50
6:44:30 Stop/Start 45
6:46:00 6
6:46:05 x10
7:09:17 7
8:00:00 Stop
204 22-Jul 0:17:00 Start 5 40 1 x10 100 N/A Using Vertical Baseline for first time since 1997. Strong (Severe) line of storms is approaching from the north-northwest. x100 output is still bad (-1 V and very noisy)
0:27:20 Stop/Start 45 High trigger rate!
0:45:20 Stop/Start 50 Trigger rate increasing as storms approach
0:48:30 4
~1:10 Brief dropout of FA data (see notes)
1:11:45 Stop/Start 60
1:39:45 3
1:59:28 Stop
2:04:40 Start
2:05:35 Stop Disk almost full
2:07:30 Start
2:07:47 Stop/Start 78
2:14:01 Stop/Start 90
2:37:50 2
3:11:20 Stop/Start 70
~3:19:45 Vertical Baseline (VB) data suddenly became worthless (see notes)
3:39:20 3
3:51:20 Stop/Start 60
3:57:40 Starting to connect 3:13 Horizontal Baseline in place of V.B., starting w/ "top"
4:09:10 4
4:15:50 Stop
209 27-Jul 5:26:40 Start 7 35 1 x10 100 N/A
7:30:30 Stop Note: Forgot to plug in Vertical Baseline. 3:13 Horizontal was in use.
22:29:40 Start 7 32 1 x10 100 N/A Storm overhead (& nearby to NE?) electrified shortly after arming.
~22:35:00 Switched from 3:13 HB to 2:9 VB
22:36:18 4
22:38:00 x100
22:41:20 3
23:16:11 4 Storm slowly moving away
23:18:55-26 Switched from 2:9 VB to 3:13 HB
23:31:00 5
23:33:30-33 6 x10
23:43:18-00 Switched from 3:13 HB to 2:9 VB
23:48:00 Stop Storm moving off to E & dissipating. No more delta-E's seen.
23:52:00 Start 7 32 1 x10 100 N/A
210 28-Jul 1:22:20 Stop
1:53:30 Start 7 32 1 x10 100 N/A N-S line of storms approaching from NW.
2:46:10 6
2:59:10 5
3:24:00? 4 x100 Change occurred on a minute (not sure which one, though)
3:25:20 Stop/Start 40
3:32:01-03 3 Gain selected twice
3:33:50 Stop/Start 46 Trigger rate very high. Lightning is ~continuous!
3:41:11 2
4:19:15 3
4:44:20 4
4:45:11 3
5:09:19 4
6:00:50 3 Storm is approaching
6:57:00 Stop Storm moving off
7:16:00 Start 4 46 1 x100 100 N/A Another "backside" cell has formed behind MCS. Producing lightning to ~N.
9:35:00 Stop Fell asleep - shut off system late. GPS may not have been locked (see notes)

Last Modified By: Mark Stanley ( )
Last Modified On: Monday, March 26, 2001  21:35:01