New Mexico Tech Sferic Data
Acquisition History for July, 2000

Universal Date/Time
Trigger Blocks
Fast Antenna
JDay Date Time Start/Stop Gain Pre Post threshold outputt DC Comments
187 05-Jul 22:44:00 Start 7 30 70 160 x10 100 2048 ~Distant storm to ~NE near NB/KS/(CO?) border. Weak SA.
188 06-Jul 4:37:55 "Stop" DSPs crashed
4:51:50 Start 7 30 90 160 x10 100 2048
5:48:10 Stop
23:49:30 Start 7 30 50 160 x10 100 2048 Sparse activity and high winds.
189 07-Jul 2:31:00 Stop All lightning is probably distant
192 10-Jul 4:20:00 Start 7 40 80 200 x10 100 2048
5:22:12 "Stop" DSPs crashed
5:38:45 Start 7 40 100 180 x10 100 2048
7:08:08 "Stop" DSPs crashed
22:07:10 Start 7 30 70 180 x10 100 2048
22:09:56 "Stop" DSPs crashed
22:18:08 Start 7 30 70 180 x10 100 2048
22:51:50 "Stop" DSPs crashed
22:53:00 Start 7 20 60 180 x10 100 2048
22:58:35 "Stop" DSPs crashed
23:01:58 Start 7 20 60 180 x10 100 2048
23:13:10 Stop Disk space getting low. Need less data (shorter trigs)...
23:13:45 Start 7 10 30 180 x10 100 2048
23:46 "Stop" DSPs crashed
23:58:03 Start 7 10 30 180 x10 100 2048
193 11-Jul 0:42:59 Stop Out of disk space
0:45:05 Start 7 10 30 300 x10 100 2048
0:46:15 500 Operating on low sensitivity since disk space is low
2:41:00 Stop
6:46:30 Start 7 30 90 300 x10 100 2048
7:53:30 Stop No +CGs for >1 hour
22:35:51 Start 7 20 60 180 x10 100 2048
23:38:47 "Stop" DSPs hung (Note: no more lightning in ~200 km anyways)
194 12-Jul 2:32:05 Start 7 30 90 180 x10 100 2048
3:45:40 Stop 6 120
3:45:57 Start
4:06:15 Stop Transition to interferometer mode
5:37:52 Start 7 20 60 180 x10 100 2048
6:30:00 Stop
21:31:30 Start 7 20 60 180 x10 100 2048
22:41:26 "Stop" DSPs hung
195 13-Jul 0:00:01 Start 7 20 60 180 x10 100 2048 Line of storms producing +CGs on one end, -CGs on the other
0:08:42 "Stop" DSPs hung
0:15:45 Start 7 20 60 180 x10 100 2048
0:48:11 "Stop" DSPs hung
2:37:00 Start 7 30 70 200 x10 100 2048
2:41:00 Stop/Start 180
2:45:25 "Stop" DSPs hung
2:56:55 Start 7 30 70 180 x10 100 2048
5:15:00 Stop No more CGs in past hour within 300 km
198 16-Jul 8:03:50 Start 7 30 70 180 x10 100 2048
8:46:20 Stop
8:46:35 Start 6 100
9:29:54 Stop
9:30:00 Start 7 180
10:43:25 Stop Thunder from overhead & SA saturated. Switching to interferometer...
13:13:46 Start 5 20 60 700 x100 100 2048
15:36:10 Stop
15:37:00 Start 7 180 x10
18:10:57 "Stop" Noticed ~10 min later that SA was saturated due to wind & rain and that false FA triggers were occurring. Files were deleted...
18:41:50 Start 5 20 60 700 x100 100 2048 Storm just S. of CHILL is producing +CGs
20:34:30 Stop Storms are >100 km to S & SE and not that interesting
200 18-Jul 1:04:22 Start 7 30 90 180 x10 100 2048 Asym. MCS is approaching from West
1:10:17 Stop
1:10:34 Start 6 100
1:46:45 Stop
1:47:20 Start 5 600 x100
2:48:50 Stop
2:49:25 Start 6 100 x10
3:02:30 Stop
3:02:38 Start 7 Oops!
3:02:42 Stop
3:02:47 Start 180
8:05:00 Stop Activity is too far to SE to be seen by LMA? (NLDN plots not accessible, so not sure)
23:39:10 Start 7 30 50 180 x10 100 2048 Severe storm near Flagler
23:55:55 Stop
23:56:02 Start 6 100
201 19-Jul 0:08:43 Stop SA going offscale & storm approaching. Switching to INTF mode
202 20-Jul 1:17:00 Start 7 25 55 180 x10 100 2048 Line of strong storms to N. SA delta-E's are occassionally seen
2:10:50 Stop Will rearm system for potential sprites
2:12:00 Start 7 30 80 180 x10 100 2048 Post-trigger lengthened for potential sprite events
3:53:55 Stop
3:54:05 Start 6 100
5:38:05 Stop
5:38:20 Start 7 Solid triggers - looking for high altitude lightning (HAL) points
5:43:00 Stop/Start 180
7:10:00 Stop Disk almost full
23:19:35 Start 5 15 25 120 x10 100 2048 Unable to use x100. Output is at -1 V and is very noisy.
203 21-Jul 0:08:40 Stop Attempting to go to gain 4, but FA is too insensitive.
0:10:35 Start Remaining at gain 5 (oversensitized on SA)
0:46:54 4 SA was off scale
1:45:25 Stop
1:45:30 Start 5 Trying to increase FA sensitivity
1:46:35 Stop
1:46:41 Start 4 ~Static E from precipitation nearly saturated SA output
2:09:25 Stop
2:09:30 Start 5
2:43:10 Stop
2:43:20 Start 6
3:05:15 Stop Actually "Quit" (forgot to hit the "n" key)
3:07:45 Start 7 25 75 200 x10 100 2048
3:15:50 Stop/Start 300 Trigger rate is too high for limited disk space
5:42:00 Stop
12:33:15 Start 4 15 25 100 x10 100 2048 Close storm
13:12:30 Stop Storm deceased
13:24:28 Start 4 15 25 100 x10 100 2048 Storm to N producing lightning and thunder. Flash rate is low.
13:43:00 Stop Storm may still be electrified, but need to leave
204 22-Jul 4:16:50 Start 5 30 80 120 x10 100 2048
4:47:45 Stop
4:47:53 Start 6
5:25:20 Stop
5:25:30 Start 7 180
7:04:00 Stop

Last Modified By: Mark Stanley ( )
Last Modified On: Monday, March 26, 2001  21:35:45