The results presented in this paper show that linear polarization quantities
such as
are readily measured by transmitting
simultaneous H and V signals and receiving the backscattered returns
in parallel H and V channels. The measurements are improved over
those obtained when H and V is transmitted on alternate pulses because
the correlation between the two polarizations is measured simultaneously
rather than from alternate pulses.
The basic advantages of transmitting H and V simultaneously instead of on alternate pulses are as follows:
Many of the above advantages have been recognized by previous investigators, as noted in the introduction.
The insights gained by looking at the problem in a geometric way from
the standpoint of the Poincaré sphere provide a valuable framework for
understanding dual-polarization observations, and for determining the best
ways to make polarization measurements. Circularly polarized transmissions
optimally sense all types of hydrometeors, including spherical, horizontally
aligned, randomly oriented, and non-horizontally aligned particles.
slant linear transmissions have the same response to horizontally aligned
particles but are less affected by randomly oriented particles. Hor V transmissions by themselves are not depolarized by horizontally
aligned particles, leaving only the unpolarizing effect of randomly oriented
particles, and any effects due to canting of horizontally oriented particles.
Elliptical polarizations are affected in intermediate ways depending on the
orientation angle of the ellipse.
The geometric approach also shows how traditional linear and circular
polarization measurements are related, and shows how radars which alternate
between H and V polarizations effectively simulate the transmission
linear polarization. The geometric approach is also readily
extended to provide an interpretation of linear depolarization measurements.
The linear depolarization ratio (LDR) is determined by transmitting, say,
horizontal polarization and measuring the backscattered return in parallel
H and V channels. It is defined as the ratio of the cross-polar and
co-polar powers, WV/WH, when H is transmitted. The cross-polar
power is produced in essentially two ways: by scattering from randomly
oriented non-spherical particles and from horizontal particles that are
canted at an angle from vertical. The canting can occur either randomly
about zero or relative to some mean value. The Poincaré sphere approach
provides a straightforward method of understanding and quantifying the
different contributions. In addition, the measurements need not be
limited to incoherent quantities, but can (and should) include the co-polar
cross-polar correlation (i.e., W, or
). The primary
reason to measure the coherent quantities is that the co-polar return serves
as a reference signal for retrieving the cross-polar return from below the
receiver noise level. As shown by Krehbiel et al. (1996), the quantity
W/W2 represents a coherent version of the depolarization ratio and has
the significant advantage of being totally independent of the cross-polar
signal-to-noise ratio. It is well determined down to the noise level
of the co-polar signal. By contrast, incoherent LDR values are
well-determined only down to the noise level of the cross-polar return.
The use of W/W2 in an H-V basis can be exploited to improve LDRmeasurements, and is the subject of continued study.
The time saved by the simultaneous approach makes it practical to use
additional polarizations for more complete observations, if so desired.
The Poincaré sphere results help in understanding the advantages of transmitting
different polarizations. Optimal choices of two transmitted polarizations
would be circular and
slant linear, or circular and H (or V).
The first set of polarizations would be obtained by alternately increasing
the relative phase of the H and V signals between 0 and
(see Figure 1). The second set (LHC and H, say) would be
obtained in the same way except that the orthomode transducer of the antenna
feed would be rotated by
so that the two transmitted components are
slant linear rather than H and V. Equal powers would then be
transmitted in the slant linear basis and the signals would be received in
the same basis. The measurements would be readily transformed into an H-Vbasis (Krehbiel and Scott, 1999). Such transformations are also useful
in `fine tuning' the alignment of the antenna feed and in calibrating
dual-polarization systems (Scott, 1999).
The LHC-H polarization pair may prove to be the most useful because the
contribution of horizontally aligned particles is nulled out when His transmitted, leaving only the contribution of randomly oriented and other
particles. (The nulling is not perfect because of canting of the horizontal
particles.) The CSU-CHILL radar alternates between
slant linear
and H-V polarizations (Brunkow et al., 1997) but could just as easily
transmit a circular-linear combination. Orthogonal polarization transmissions
are not necessarily useful (one exception being that LHC and RHCmeasurements can be used to distinguish between backscatter and propagation
effects by aligned particles whose alignment direction is not known).
The study by Torlaschi and Holt (1998) concluded that of three possible
transmitted polarizations - circular, slant
linear, or
horizontal/vertical - circular polarization is optimal for meteorological
observations. The returns were considered to be received in the same basis as
the transmitted signals in their study. The results of this study show that,
if only a single polarization is transmitted, the optimal choice would be
circular, received in an H-V basis.
Dual-polarization measurements are of interest because they provide
independent information that can be used to discriminate or identify
hydrometeor types. The identification is often done in an ad-hoc manner by
dividing up the polarization variable space, or empirically by assessing
the contributions of rain and hail to the polarization variables (e.g.,
Vivekanandan et al., 1993, 1999). A fully objective approach is possible by
dividing the scatterers into different classes based on the way in which
they depolarize the radar signal. As described in this paper, the
polarization responses group the particles into spherical, horizontally
aligned, randomly oriented, and non-horizontally aligned classes. Spherical
particles are characterized by a single quantity, their reflectivity factor
Z. Horizontally aligned particles are characterized by four quantities
(ZV or ZH,
the shape correlation factor f), and
possibly by a mean and rms canting angle. Randomly oriented particles are
characterized by two quantities,
and the sphericity parameter
g. Non-horizontally aligned particles are characterized by some or all
of the aligned particle parameters plus the alignment direction
Different subsets of the various quantities would be likely at different
locations in a storm. The pertinent quantities can in principle be
determined from independent polarization measurements.
An analytical basis for determining the scattering parameters comes from the
fact that the covariances are additive for different classes of particles
(Krehbiel and Scott, 1999). Each covariance variable is the sum of the
covariances for each type of particle. For example,
WH | = | ![]() |
(19) |
= | ![]() |
A difficulty in the above approach is that, for a given class of scatterer,
each backscatter parameter has an associated propagation effect, which
is cumulative with range. For example, differential propagation phase
is associated with the differential backscatter phase
differential propagation attenuation DA is associated with differential
(Less well recognized have been the incoherent
depolarization factors f for aligned particles and g for randomly
oriented particles, and their associated propagation terms.) The
backscatter and propagation quantities are inextricably linked to each
other in that changes from one range gate to the next can be caused by
increases and/or decreases in either quantity. A number of schemes have
been devised for extracting this information based on expected physical
correlations between the different parameters (e.g., Torlaschi and Holt,
1993), but the basic ambiguities remain and are difficult to overcome.
An objective method for extracting the scattering parameters would have to
take this into account. This constitutes a substantial complication but
is one that needs to be addressed in any particle identification scheme.