The above formulations provide the basis for determining the scattering and
propagation parameters from simultaneous H and V transmissions.
Given the transmitted values of the covariance quantities,
the scattering
and propagation parameters are determined by measuring the returned values
of the same quantities. The transmitted values are readily determined
from calibration and monitoring measurements.
Scott (1999) has analyzed the polarization changes geometrically in terms of
the Poincaré sphere. The basic results of this study are reported in the next
section; one result is that the polarization change produced by
and differential attenuation is greatest when the incident value of WH
/WV is unity, namely when the transmitted signal contains equal Hand V powers. This situation is simulated by radars which alternate
between H and V transmissions, but the two signals can also be
transmitted simultaneously. The depolarization produced by horizontally
aligned particles is independent of the phase difference between the
components, so that
linear or circular polarizations are
equally effective in determining the scattering parameters. (Scattering
by randomly oriented particles, or by particles that are non-horizontally
aligned, is different and can be used to identify different particle types,
as we later discuss.)
Figure 1 shows the basic block diagram of the simultaneous
transmission technique. A power divider replaces the polarization switch
and supplies equal powers to the orthomode polarization transducer (OMT) during
each transmitted pulse. By changing the relative phases of the power divider
outputs the polarization state can be adjusted to a variety of values (
linear, right- or left-hand circular, or any equal-power elliptical
state). For the observations reported in this paper, the polarization
state was adjusted to be left-hand circular (LHC). The return signals are
received in parallel H and V channels and processed to obtain the
orthogonal powers WH and WV and the complex correlation coefficient
The radar signals are therefore
transmitted in a different polarization basis than they are received.
This ensures a good signal-to-noise ratio in the two receiving channels,
thus producing a copolar-like signal in the channels.
The New Mexico Tech dual-polarization radar was modified during the spring
of 1998 to implement the above technique. The radar transmits about 10
kW peak power at 3.0 cm wavelength and has a 3.7 m diameter Cassegrain
antenna of
beamwidth. It had previously been configured as a
co- and cross-polar circular (or linear) polarization system and used to
study electrically aligned ice crystals in electrified storms (Krehbiel et
al., 1996). Initial results of the study by Scott (1999) showed that it
would be possible to measure both the electrical alignment directions and
the linear polarization parameters if circularly polarized transmissions
were received in a linear H-V basis; this led to the simultaneous
transmission approach described above. Although independently arrived at,
the technique is essentially the same as that originally proposed by
Sachidananda and Zrnic (1985) and implemented on the CSU-CHILL radar.