Figures 13 and 14 show how the storm evolved with time.
In particular, they show vertical scans through the core of the storm
at approximate 3 minute time intervals after the observations of
Figure 12. The scan at 15:23:05 (Figure 13) showed that
the reflectivity core had descended and intensified in the lower part of the
storm, undoubtedly due to the fall of hail within the core. This is
confirmed by the
observations, which showed that the region of
reduced correlation aloft had weakened and did not extend as high in
altitude. At the same time, the correlation reductions had intensified
in the lower part of the main precipitation region. Increased negative
values, approaching -1 dB, had developed in the lower part of
the hailshaft, just above the level at which liquid drops started to be
detected. The hail in this location was therefore elongated vertically,
possibly due to melting. The strongest correlation reduction occurred
in this negative
region, where
dropped below 0.8.
The Figure 13 data also show that the region of large liquid drops
in the inferred inflow region on the close side of the storm had expanded
and intensified since the earlier scan, exhibiting a maximum
of 2.5 dB and a significantly larger extent. A weaker
maximum was
similarly situated on the far side of the core. The
results show a
number of regions of strong negative (red/white) and positive (blue/white)
values, indicative of regions of strong
The inferred
regions coincided with local maxima in
further confirming the
identification of these regions as containing large, aligned particles.
Of particular interest is the
maximum in the lower part of the
hailshaft; this was bracketed by a strong
couplet of inverse polarity
(positive on the near side and negative on the far side), indicating
that the hail had an inverse-polarity (i.e., positive)
This is consistent with the
values of the hail being negative.
The Poincaré sphere trajectory through the lower part of the storm had similar
but more pronounced features as those seen in the earlier scan (Figure
2). One difference is that in the front part of the storm the
polarization state changed along a
downward path. This is typical
of entering a rain region and reflects the combined effects of simultaneously
whose changes are comparable at 3 cm
wavelength in the Poincaré sphere space (Krehbiel and Scott, 1999).
The upward meandering of the polarization state during the final part of
the trajectory is due to the decrease in
on the far side of the
storm, as well as accumulated differential attenuation. At the final gate
the H and V powers were again nearly equal.
An additional feature of interest in the Figure 13 observations is
the radial ray of slightly positive
values in the upper part of
the storm. This is not an artifact of antenna sidelobes but indicates
the presence of electrically aligned ice crystals. Electrical alignment
observations are discussed later; the
artifact occurs because the
ice crystals were oriented at an intermediate angle between horizontal
and vertical, which causes the the polarization state to move downward in
the projection view, in the same direction as
from liquid drops.
The radar scan at 15:26:35 (Figure 14) showed continued descent of
the hail and a corresponding intensification reduction in
below 2
km altitude. Positive
values were no longer detected in the lower
part of the hailshaft, but liquid drops continued to be present throughout
much or all of the precipitation region. The latter is seen from the
dramatic increase in differential attenuation along the cursor (the blue
trace in the lower left panel) and by the corresponding displacement of
the final part of the Poincaré trajectory well above the U axis, corresponding
to negative H-V powers and values of Q. The apparent
on the far side of the storm were about -3 dB, indicating a cumulative
differential attenuation of at least this magnitude. The final polarization
state was displaced almost
above the equal power plane on the
Poincaré sphere.
Figure 14 shows that the lower part of the hailshaft again exhibited
values (of about -1 dB), by now over a larger, somewhat
shallower area. The fact that the negative
region did not extend lower
than it did does not mean that the hail had completely melted at the lower
altitudes. Rather, any negative
of the hail would have been offset
by positive
from the increasing numbers of liquid drops. The
values were approximately neutral in the lower part of the hailshaft,
as a result of the above effect and the increasing differential attenuation.
As before, an inverted polarity
region existed on the far side
of the melting hail, indicating that the hail produced inverse polarity
upon backscatter.
From the above, the precipitation in the lower part of the storm was almost
certainly mixed phase. This undoubtedly contributed to the large correlation
reduction that was observed. The
values in the white regions
extended dropped to as low as 0.70. Of particular significance is the fact
that the correlation remained at the low values on the far side of the main
precipitation region, even though the reflectivity and precipitation rates
were low in this part of the storm. Such `shadowing' is good evidence of a
propagation effect; in this case the radar signal developed a substantial
unpolarized component while propagating through the low-
precipitation region, which accumulated to the level shown. Like
differential propagation phase, an unpolarized radiation component would
be caused by forward scattering, in this case from particles having random
shapes and/or orientations.