Observations are presented in which standard dual-polarization
meteorological parameters (e.g.,



determined from simultaneous horizontal (
H) and vertical (
V) transmissions.
The return signals are measured in parallel
H and
V receiving channels.
Because the parameters are determined from simultaneous measurements they
are not affected by Doppler phase shifts that increase the variance of
measurements from alternating
H and
V transmissions. The approach
has the additional advantage that a high-power polarization switch is not
needed. The relative phases of the
H and
V components were such that the
transmitted polarization was circular. Circular polarization is shown to be
optimal for detecting randomly oriented particles such as hail, and detects
horizontally oriented particles such as rain with the same effectiveness as
linearly polarized transmissions. A geometric description is presented of
the depolarization caused by different classeclasses of scatterers, based on the Poincaré sphere representation of the polarization state. The description provides
a simple way of understanding the various depolarization effects and of
determining the relative advantages of transmitting different polarizations.
By not having to transmit alternate
H and
V signals it becomes practical
to make polarization-diverse measurements by transmitting independent
polarizations, for example
LHC and
H or
LHC and

slant linear,
on alternate pulses to aid in identifying precipitation types.